

Πέντε διαφορετικά προϊόντα, πέντε διαφορετικοί χαρακτήρες ούζου που ταιριάζουν σε ποικίλες στιγμές και διαθέσεις. Κοινό στοιχείο όλων η δημιουργία τους από απόσταξη 100% με αργές διαδικασίες, σε μικρούς χάλκινους άμβυκες, η χρήση εξαιρετικής ποιότητας γλυκάνισου και άλλων πρώτων υλών, η προσθήκη του κρυστάλλινου νερού του Πλωμαρίου και φυσικά η συσσωρευμένη εμπειρία 160 χρόνων της οικογένειας Βαρβαγιάννη στην απόσταξη του ούζου. Αργά, υπομονετικά, όπως τότε που ο Ευστάθιος Βαρβαγιάννης απέσταξε το πρώτο του ούζο το 1860.

The classic, timeless ouzo of the Varvayannis family, at 46 alcoholic degrees. Austere and rich, deep, with finesse and the freshness of the sea breeze, Ouzo Varvayanni Blue Label is for authentic ouzo lovers.
The light ouzo of the Varvayannis family, easy to drink, at 42 degrees.
A dry, robust ouzo, distilled for the first time in 1950, bearing in mind what seafarers want. With wild herbs and anise aromas and the high alcoholic strength of 47 degrees, it will excite even the more experienced ouzo drinkers.
Intense, rich and absolute, the Aphrodite Label was born in 1962. It is a product of multiple fractional distillations which needs to be consumed along high quality appetizers. Ouzo with volume, a long aftertaste and 48 alcoholic degrees leaves an intense flavor imprint.
46% vol
42% vol
47% vol
48% vol
The classic, timeless ouzo of the Varvayannis family, at 46 alcoholic degrees. Austere and rich, deep, with finesse and the freshness of the sea breeze, Ouzo Varvayanni Blue Label is for authentic ouzo lovers.
46% vol
The light ouzo of the Varvayannis family, easy to drink, at 42 degrees.
42% vol
A dry, robust ouzo, distilled for the first time in 1950, bearing in mind what seafarers want. With wild herbs and anise aromas and the high alcoholic strength of 47 degrees, it will excite even the more experienced ouzo drinkers.
47% vol
Intense, rich and absolute, the Aphrodite Label was born in 1962. It is a product of multiple fractional distillations which needs to be consumed along high quality appetizers. Ouzo with volume, a long aftertaste and 48 alcoholic degrees leaves an intense flavor imprint.
48% vol